Sunday, June 11, 2006

eCommerce logistics outsourcing

A derivative of logistics BPO, this is a specific service offering, where service providers leverage their existing expertise in the warehousing operations area to offer order e-fulfilment-related services including pick-and-pack, gift wrapping, kitting services and express delivery. An example of this is the recent collaboration between Toy’R’us and, for the former to utilize’s delivery channel.

Today, we are witnessing a significant consolidation and integration of many e-procurement hubs and trading exchanges that had mushroomed in large quantities over the past two years. Already, industry leaders are leading this consolidation by placing their huge procurement activities onto exchanges founded by them. Many of these trading hubs and exchanges currently lack a logistics platform that is necessary once the order flow is processed. This logistics back-end platform is integral to any exchange, linking suppliers and buyers, as well as their respective logistics providers to retrieve information about the order picture, forecasts, delivery dates, shipment tracking, and other data necessary for planning their logistics delivery. A logistics hub would allow buyers, sellers, distributors, and transportation providers to tap into one central source, pull data from ERP systems, and receive order-tracking alerts and notification of potential problems.

1 comment:

Ecommerce Outsourcing Solutions said...


Ecommerce businesses are often victims of their own success and this is offer the perfect solution! Most Ecommerce businesses start off selling items on the internet out of a spare room in their home or if their lucky a rented small office with just enough room to swing the parcel tape holder. Thanks a lot...