Saturday, May 13, 2006

Welcome to Supply Chain Digest

Everything that you buy from the shops get to you after the items have been manufactured and transported to your favourite shop. Did you ever wonder how things that you buy at your favourite shops get there? How did they arrive at the shops from the various factories? How does one know how much to make and transport in order to ensure that retailers do not run low on your favourite items? Supply Chain Management (SCM) is what makes this happen. Supply Chain Digest is my blog which introduces SCM to the ordinary person in the street.

The materials that I will be putting up in this blog has been gathered over a period of 17 years of my career in the supply chain domain. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is actually quite an interesting topic. Students, supply chain directors, and logisticians will find the documents and materials that I will be presenting very useful.

Hope you enjoy this blog ! Thanks and have a nice day.

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